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[SWTOOLS.DOC of JUGPDS Vol.52 & 53]
Software Tools in Lattice C V3.1 & V20/V30/80186
Original Version in BDS C
Hakuou KATAYOSE (JUG-CP/M No.179)
49-114 Kawauchi-Sanjuunin-machi,
Sendai, Miyagi 980, Japan
Phone: 0222-61-3219
Modified for Lattice C (80186/V20/V30)
Toshiya Ota (JUG-CP/M No.10)
Sakae ko-po 205 5-19-6 Hosoda
Katusika-ku Tokyo 124
Feb.10, 1987
1. Introduction
Here is yet another version of Software Tools (Kernighan &
Plauger) in Lattice C V3.1J. The original source programs in Ratfor have
been translated into C. Also included are some utilities to compile and to
demonstrate the application of the tools.
2. Programs from Software Tools
I have implemented almost every program in Software Tools except for
those in Chapter 6 "EDITING" and Chapter 9 "A RATFOR-FORTRAN TRANSLATOR".
Program Name Description (Page of the original K&P book)
COUNT (charcount + linecount + wordcount) (p12,13,15)
DETAB/ENTAB Handling of TAB (p20,37)
OVERSTRIK Overstrike of a line (p40)
COMPRESS/EXPAND Compression and expansion of a text (p44,48)
CRYPT0,CRYPT1 Encrypt of a text file. Note that a encrypt file may
contain EOF marks; 0X01A(control-Z). CRYPT1 is to
handle a binary file, it lacks the pipe and I/O
redirection facilities of CRYPT0. I would recommend
CRYPT1 as the more reliable.
TRANSLIT Character transliteration (p56)
COMPARE Comparison of two files (p70,73)
CONCAT0,COMCAT1 Concatenation of text files (p78)
ARCHIVE File archiver (p88)
MSORT,SORT Sorting of a text file. MSORT can handle up to about
2000 lines or 30k bytes. SORT is for sorting with
UNIQUE Stripping adjacent duplicate lines (p125)
KWIC/UNROT Keyword in context index (p128,131)
FRQNCY Word frequency list for a document file (p126)
FIND/CHANGE Find (grep) and change patterns in text (p139,156)
FORMAT Text formatter (p234)
MACRO Expand macros with arguments (p270)
To compile and link the source programs described above, you will
need to include some header files (stdio.h, ctype.h) and the function
libraries TOOLSLB.LIB. [The source for all four is included in JUGPDS
Vols.52 and 53]
3. Some Notes on Translating Software Tools from Ratfor to Lattice C
Since Ratfor is a preprocessor for Fortran, the parameters
(arguments) for FUNCTIONs and SUBROUTINEs are referenced by address --
pointers in the C language. You can not pass arguments by value unless
you make appropriate changes to the C functions.
The next point to watch is the difference of arrays. Fortran
arrays start with element 1; C start at 0. If you declare A(50), you
have the Ratfor array A(1)-A(50), but A[0]-A[4] in C. This difference
is important when you specify the limits for a loop counter.
Fortran-77 gives greater compatibility because it allows you to
declare A(0:49).
Also note that the elements of multi-dimensional arrays are stored
in different orders -- by column in Fortran, by row in C.
Fortran ... A(1,1),A(2,1),A(3,1),...
C ... A[0][0],A[0][1],A[0][2],...
So you have to exchange column and row for a two-dimensional array, if
you want to use C pointers.
4. Another notes on Compiling/Using from T. Ota.
a) Library
All library functions is saparated from DEFF3.C and PAT.C (Original
Library Source file). Lattice C (or other MS-DOS C compilers) generate only
1 modules from 1 source file. So , if library functions compiled by 1 file,
then Object library (menber of .LIB file) has many functions ,and if linked
main routine and library , useless functions linked togather.
For that reason, I have saparated library functions to one by one.
b) 80186 option
Lattice C V3.1 can make the code for 80186. This mode generates 80186
object code far more efficiently (in terms of memory and speed). So, I
compiled allfunctions in both 8086 mode and 80186 mode.
TOOLEXEN.ARC contains all executable files (.EXE files) which was compiled
by 8086 mode. TOOLEXEV.ARC contains 80186 and V20/V30 executable files. You
may choise either of them.
Similarly, TOOLSLBN.LIB contains 8086 mode functions, and TOOLSLBV.LIB
contains 80186 mode functions. You must copy either librariy to TOOLSLB.LIB
for linking the programs.
c) Note on MSORT.EXE
MSORT.EXE uses much free memory. You must specify the stack size when
you invoke the command.
(Exsample: MSORT =9999 <infile >outfile)
[ Disk Editors comments:
The original of the source code of this disk is JUGPDS Vols.17 and 18.
That code has been written in BDS C. The present version is based on Lattice
C V3.1J. I tested the .EXE files on a NEC PC-9801E with V30. T.Ohta.
Maynard Hogg (JUG-CP/M No.99) volunteered to improve this documen-
tation. Thank you Maynard. Y.M. ]
Written at 1987-02-08 02:39Z (GMT)
ank you Maynard. Y.M. ]
Written at 1987-02-08 02:39Z (GMT)